Alexander Kushnirenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I'm actually using the IP firewall code in Linux 2.2.0-pre5 to provide 
> > most of the protection to my system.  My ipchains rules are as follows 
> > (actually saved in /etc/ and read by ipchains-restore in 
> > /etc/init.d/network).
> Interesting, that's quite a new thought to me.  I'm not a security expert at 
> all of course.  Do you have any web references or other relevant documents 
> telling pro and cons of this technique, as opposed to TCP wrapper?

There's the Firewall HOWTO, and the IP Chains HOWTO in

As a summary:


  * In the kernel, so it should be faster.
  * Affects *everything*, including UDP (like the Network Time
    Protocol server and Samba name server), and even if the
    application doesn't use hosts.allow (like X11 and the DNS server).


  * More complex to configure.
  * Harder to tell whether it will work right.

After thinking about it, I've actually changed my rules slightly, so
that the _only_ incoming TCP connections permitted are on the ident
port (for IRC and FTP servers), and on the ports from 1024 to 4999
from the "ftp-data" port, for FTP servers not in passive mode.  Using
the kernel firewalling code I *know* that a bad application won't
leave my system open for abuse.

I do have to experiment a little with UDP, to see what's necessary to
permit Real Audio to work but keep out other packets.  I could also
block some kinds of ICMP traffic that I'm not interested in.

         Carey Evans

                  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

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