Hello everyone,

I'm new to Linux but old to DOS, Windows X and Windows NT.

I have a Debian 'hamm' box at home with Windows 98, both on their own
drives.  I read on the page below;


that FAT32 for Win95B support is in Kernel 2.034, is this true and is it
read write?  Also, since FAT32 supposedly did not change much from
Win95B to Win98 does it still work?  What does the mount statement look

I have a SuSE 5.3 box in the office with NT 4.0 Workstation, both on
their own drives.  I read the page below and downloaded the driver file:

I could not find information on installing the driver and what the mount
command looks like?
Has anyone played with this and what luck have you had.  For now my boss
would like to develop his web pages on the NT side then boot Linux with
apache and copy the files over from NT to his test site. 


** As a side note,  I have recently experimented with RedHat 5.2,
S.u.S.E 5.3 and Debian 'hamm'.  You may have noticed that the RedHat 5.2
is not on a machine, enough said.  S.u.S.E. 5.3 is on my boss' machine
but (he likes the ease of use, I think it still ties a less technical
users hands - although less than RedHat), I could not get StarOffice 5.0
installed and am waiting on a response from the folks in Germany about
the glibc update instructions.  DEBAIN is on my home machine, again
enough said ;-)

Thanks in advance.

Danny R. Gray
Research Technician
Department of Pathology
UNC-CH School of Medicine

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