
FAT32 itself did not change from Win98b to Win98. Linux can read/write
it with no problem provided of course that vfat support is compiled into
the kernel. A manually executed mount command would look the same as for
FAT16 - something like this:

mount -t vfat /dev/hdxx /mnt


"Danny R. Gray" wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm new to Linux but old to DOS, Windows X and Windows NT.
> I have a Debian 'hamm' box at home with Windows 98, both on their own
> drives.  I read on the page below;
> http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/fat32.html
> that FAT32 for Win95B support is in Kernel 2.034, is this true and is it
> read write?  Also, since FAT32 supposedly did not change much from
> Win95B to Win98 does it still work?  What does the mount statement look
> like?
> I have a SuSE 5.3 box in the office with NT 4.0 Workstation, both on
> their own drives.  I read the page below and downloaded the driver file:
> http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~loewis/ntfs/
> ntfs-990102
> I could not find information on installing the driver and what the mount
> command looks like?
> Has anyone played with this and what luck have you had.  For now my boss
> would like to develop his web pages on the NT side then boot Linux with
> apache and copy the files over from NT to his test site.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ** As a side note,  I have recently experimented with RedHat 5.2,
> S.u.S.E 5.3 and Debian 'hamm'.  You may have noticed that the RedHat 5.2
> is not on a machine, enough said.  S.u.S.E. 5.3 is on my boss' machine
> but (he likes the ease of use, I think it still ties a less technical
> users hands - although less than RedHat), I could not get StarOffice 5.0
> installed and am waiting on a response from the folks in Germany about
> the glibc update instructions.  DEBAIN is on my home machine, again
> enough said ;-)
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Danny R. Gray
> Research Technician
> Department of Pathology
> UNC-CH School of Medicine
> --
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