:-> What output did you get from createuser?

$ createuser mbert
Connection to database 'template1' failed.
FATAL 1:  SetUserId: user "mbert" is not in "pg_shadow"

createuser: database access failed.

It should have been something
:-> like this:
:->   bash-2.01$ createuser mbert
:->   Enter user's postgres ID -> 1003
:->   Is user "mbert" allowed to create databases (y/n) n
:->   Is user "mbert" allowed to add users? (y/n) n
:->   createuser: mbert was successfully added
:->   don't forget to create a database for mbert
:-> createuser must be run by the user postgres

How to do that?

(or by any other user who
:-> is allowed to add users - at first installation there will not be any
:-> such).
:-> Any users successfully created will be in pg_shadow, so the error you
:-> report indicates that createuser failed in some way.
:-> -- 
:-> Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:-> Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
:->                PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
:->                  ========================================
:->      "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his 
:->       courts with praise. Be thankful unto him, and bless 
:->       his name."           Psalms 100:4 


Mario Bertrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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