On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 05:38:06PM +0000, Daryl Williams wrote:
> folks,
> i have a system running linux debian hamm with kernel 2.0.34.
> this system has 2 IDE drives. linux is installed on the 1st disk
> and boot using lilo. i have windows NT on the second disk which
> is set as a slave IDE disk. when i try to boot windows NT from
> lilo i get the an error message from the system that says is cant
> find NTLDR. i am assuming this error message is comming from
> the NT boot loader.
> i have read the howtos on dual booting but none of them address
> this kind of setup with 2 disks. it looks like i might have to edit the
> boot.ini file on NT, but that could result in an unbootable system
> so i am trying to get some feedback before proceeding that down
> road.

Do you have any space on the master disk to make a tiny FAT partition? If
so, just put some sort of dos on it and look at the Linux+NT+win95 howto
(or something like that), set boot=/win95/bootsect.lnx in /etc/lilo.conf
(as someone who's name I forgot on the list previously mentioned, neat trick).

If you don't have any space but a swap partition, you might just convert
the swap partition and setup a swap file instead.

Rafael Kitover

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