> I want to buy a cd-writer. I don't need rewritable support at present
> time, but it would be a plus.
> I've seen a new Yamaha model that's affordable. Are they good and well
> supported with Linux ?
> Thanks in advance.

If you found a yamaha model that's affordable, _Get_it!_  Those are
excellent machines.  They are closely followed in quality by Philips and
HP if you see those, you might want to look into them as well.  see
www.goldenhawk.com/support/faq.htm has a very useful list detailing
problems with firmware version numbers on various models, so check that
list before buying anything, but basically everything yamaha makes anymore
is excellent.  The site is for a Windows program, but still contains very
valid information for linux as it is mostly hardware info.

Also, IMHO, a SCSI writer is vastly superior to an IDE.  In general, they
support more modes, can be external (so if for some reason it refuses to
eject a disc--I've had that happen--you can power-cycle the driver w/o
losing your uptime).  There are many other reasons such as stability, but
since I don't fully understand those reasons, I won't pretent to talk
about them.

Linux w/ cdrecord supports most if not all yamaha/philips/hp drives.  The
philips CDD-522 (I think) driver is the one I use on my CDD-2600 and it
works fine for other philips models too (AFAIK all of them).  Yamaha
drivers are likely the same, so don't despair if you don't find your exact
model.  I'd call yamaha and ask them if the drive is supported in unix
cdrecord before buying.

Good luck!
(subliminal message --- psst.. buy the yamaha)

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