On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 04:57:08PM -0500, Odin wrote:
> > I want to buy a cd-writer. I don't need rewritable support at present
> > time, but it would be a plus.
> > I've seen a new Yamaha model that's affordable. Are they good and well
> > supported with Linux ?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> If you found a yamaha model that's affordable, _Get_it!_  Those are
> excellent machines.  They are closely followed in quality by Philips and
> HP if you see those, you might want to look into them as well.  see
> www.goldenhawk.com/support/faq.htm has a very useful list detailing
> problems with firmware version numbers on various models, so check that
> list before buying anything, but basically everything yamaha makes anymore
> is excellent.  The site is for a Windows program, but still contains very
> valid information for linux as it is mostly hardware info.
> Also, IMHO, a SCSI writer is vastly superior to an IDE.  In general, they
> support more modes, can be external (so if for some reason it refuses to
> eject a disc--I've had that happen--you can power-cycle the driver w/o
> losing your uptime).  There are many other reasons such as stability, but
> since I don't fully understand those reasons, I won't pretent to talk
> about them.
> Linux w/ cdrecord supports most if not all yamaha/philips/hp drives.  The
> philips CDD-522 (I think) driver is the one I use on my CDD-2600 and it
> works fine for other philips models too (AFAIK all of them).  Yamaha
> drivers are likely the same, so don't despair if you don't find your exact
> model.  I'd call yamaha and ask them if the drive is supported in unix
> cdrecord before buying.
> Good luck!
> (subliminal message --- psst.. buy the yamaha)
> -- 
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Can you recommend an inexpensive PCI SCSI card to go with a Yamaha? Right now, 
I have two ATAPI hard drives and an ATAPI DVD drive connected to a motherboard 
IDE controller. I was planning on purchasing a HP ATAPI drive, but after 
hearing about several bad experiences with ATAPI drives, I'm interested in a 
SCSI-based external one. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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