Alexander Kushnirenko spoke forth with the blessed manuscript:
> Hi,
> We are also looking for a good SCSI CDR to buy for our university group.  We 
> plan to redistribute experimental data on CDs, so we may burn few CDs a day 
> occasionally.  After reading net we decided to go with something like:
> Plextor PX-412C, or Sony 948S, or Yamaha CRW 4260
> Are they good?  Would you prefer one to another?
I'd prefer the Yamaha or Plextor.  I think I would have to flip a coin over the
two, as I've used both and have had good luck.

> Will Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card be enough for them?
Just fine provided you have a fast disk to send data to it.

> External vs Internal?  Some people say that overheating is a problem and 
> external is a better choice.
I've had no problems with internal units.

> Thanks,
> Sasha.
> -- 
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