On Sat, Jan 30, 1999 at 01:38:27PM -0600, Matt Garman wrote: > > How do I force a page break in text files for printing with linux? I > want to print some guitar tab, and it gets ruined if half is on one > page, and the other half comes out on the next page. It's entirely > too much trouble (not to mention overkill) to format tab in say > LaTeX. > > Anyone have any ideas on this? > > Also, how do I move the margins over to the right a bit? I use a > three hole punch on my tab to keep it in a binder and if the text is > too far left, the holes kinda ruin it.
man pr -- Mike Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.bend-or.com/~mschmitz Don't blame me - I voted libertarian! http://www.lp.org/ Use Debian Linux - the free Gnu/Linux http://www.debian.org/ ----------- "If encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption"