On Sat, Jan 30, 1999 at 01:38:27PM -0600, Matt Garman wrote:
> How do I force a page break in text files for printing with linux?  I
> want to print some guitar tab, and it gets ruined if half is on one
> page, and the other half comes out on the next page.  It's entirely
> too much trouble (not to mention overkill) to format tab in say
> LaTeX.

You can insert the control character Ctrl-l wherever you want a page break. In
the jed editor, you can hit ` then Ctrl-l to insert it. You shuld see
a ^L on the screen. I'm sure emacs and vi can do the same, somehow

> Anyone have any ideas on this?
> Also, how do I move the margins over to the right a bit?  I use a
> three hole punch on my tab to keep it in a binder and if the text is
> too far left, the holes kinda ruin it.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> -- 
> Matt Garman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
>  Lord, them delta women think the world of me."
>       -- Dickey Betts, "Ramblin' Man"
> -- 
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   Jim Foltz   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ACORN techie   <http://www.acorn.net>
      AOL/IM   jim_foltz

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