
Is there an easy way, such as a few keystrokes or a command, to switch 
between text terminals and X, and vice-versa?

That is, before running X, I can press 'Alt-F1' to get the first text 
terminal, 'Alt-F2' to get the second, and so on.  Once I'm in X, this 
doesn't work.  It seems as if one has to quit X to return to one of 
those other text terminals.

If that's not clear, the simplest example of what's desired might be to 
boot up, and login as root.  Press 'Alt-F2', and login as some other 
user, and from that terminal, type 'startx'.  Then to somehow return to 
the 1st root window without quitting X.

It would be useful in some cases, as some programs look better in text 
mode, others don't run well in X, and some programs don't run at all 
in X.  

I wouldn't have thought it was possible, till I ran, (from X), an app 
that required SVGAlib.  X seemed to crash, as there was an error 
message, and the screen was back in text mode.  Running 'ps' showed 
that X was still alive though.  I found I could switch between text 
terminals OK, and if I did an 'Alt-right_arrow' past the last text 
terminal, X came back up, seemingly no worse for the wear.

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