Alfie Costa wrote:
> Question:
> Is there an easy way, such as a few keystrokes or a command, to switch
> between text terminals and X, and vice-versa?
> That is, before running X, I can press 'Alt-F1' to get the first text
> terminal, 'Alt-F2' to get the second, and so on.  Once I'm in X, this
> doesn't work.  It seems as if one has to quit X to return to one of
> those other text terminals.

Sure you can. In X, type ctrl-altF1, F2... to get to that console. You
won't able to do anything at the console you started X on, so you'll
have to login on anohter console. When you're ready to go back to X type

                                  __   _
Mark Wagnon                  -o) / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
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