"Cliff W. Draper" wrote:
> Has anyone figured out a real solution to this problem.  I'd prefer to run
> at 24bpp and don't have enough memory to run at 32bpp.  If it helps
> anyone, this is possibly a related problem, netscape's icons go
> black&white in 24bpp and are just fine in 16bpp; maybe it's a bug in the
> xpm decoding library.

I can't help you with the wordperfect problem, but netscape doesn't look
good at 24bpp. I not sure of the technical explanation, but every
version of netscape (from 3.x) on, has the same problem. The solution,
run at 16 or 32bpp. In your case, that would be 16bpp.

                                  __   _
Mark Wagnon                  -o) / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
Chula Vista, CA              /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
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