On Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 09:27:19AM -0500, Colin Telmer wrote:
> I keep getting this message placed into my various mailboxes and can't
> figure out what is doing it. Pine 4.05 can't see them but when I log in I
> always "have mail" and it bugs me:) I partially understand what the
> message is for (something to do with pop or imap) but I can't figure out
> what keeps creating them after I delete them. I do not have any pop pr
> imap software installed. I do however infrequently use netscape mail and
> have it pointed at the same folders as pine is. Could netscape be creating
> these messages? Cheers, Colin.

I could be mistaken, but...  I believe Netscape uses imap or pop,
sorta like fetchmail.  That message is a "place" holder for these
protocols, if I remember correctly.  I believe you're just supposed to
ignore it...  <shrug>


"They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
 Lord, them delta women think the world of me."
        -- Dickey Betts, "Ramblin' Man"

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