On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

> As someone who has recently come to use Debian from a year or two of
> RedHat experience, I can say that the non-X-based nature of dselect can
> be a distinct advantage when you're trying to configure a server machine
and if the dselect process shuts down your X server ;) (happened once...)
i agree, but as i installed several machines, i found the given profiles quite
useless, and had to parse by hand all the package lists... a more evoluted
interface with submenues instead of the actual subframes would really be nice
even for text-terminals...

> CDROM?  dselect was quite FTP-friendly; I couldn't get a RedHat
can't install debian through ftp, or did i miss something somewhere??? the base
package has to be installed through disquettes, CDROM, HD or NFS but no ftp!
and that's not kind... i was used to flip a single floppy into the machines to
isntall, and that is grown hard now that i use debian, due to the lack of
support of ftp.... 

once its installed its fine, but the installation is a pain (and i now have
installed approx 60 debian systems...)

> Debian saw all my hardware right first try.
that's true, and a point i like very much.

> And another thing: a lot of those X-based configuration things don't
> work that well.  I know that for sure...  ;-)
yep, for one i do notlike control-panel.... but...

> So far, Debian seems to me like a workhorse: it may not be flashy, but
> everything just *works*.  That beats flash every time in my book.
sure ... but....

> STING (Stuff That Is Not GNU).  It *is* a sting when it doesn't work
> right and you want to change it...

> And is it just me, or is everybody and his mother putting out RPMs these
> days, some of very shoddy quality?  I have the impression, if it's a deb
seemed to me too...

> Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.  Especially hearing folks
> bitch about dselect.  I just hope apt is as good.  (It's not X-based, is
> it?  Say it's not...)
you may continue use dselect with it ;) AFAIK there will be interfaces for each
taste ....

finally i begun to notice all the utilities for sysadmin that are present in
debian, what i would like to see, is a smit sort of application, that regroups
under one starting application invocation points for all present configuration
scripts (e.g. update-*) with eventually ready forms for the required data (each
time i use update-alternatives i have to read the man....)

and such a thing should be first vt-compatible, with an eventual X-GUI....

I never looked into vt-controls through perl, is there a way to make this nice
blue&red fullscreen windows with perl?  

acount at earthling net 
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