I thought I would input my couple of pence worth to this 
discussion. I am very much a Linux newbie but I am not exactly 
an idiot when it comes to computers. I have been using computers 
for 10 years going back to my humble XT.
I have recently installed RH5.1, SuSE 5.3 and Deb 2.0 and I 
would like to comment a bit about each of them.
1stly both RH and SuSE made a mess of my hard disk when 
partitioning causing me to play safe and use partition magic to 
do the bsiness untill I am confident with Linux

I am using Deb on a Logical partition and a boot manager to 
dual boot with Win98( I was using NT as it ran a my some of my 
programs batter than 98). Both RH and SuSE had no problems 
setting up my lilo.conf to work with this system. Unless I have 
missed it Deb install dosent do this it only allows for a 
primary partition to be activated. Needless to say using a 
floppy to boot and then writing a lil.conf file is no picnic for 
a newbie luckiy I had a copy of Que Using Linux(far to much RH 
for my liking) which had a sample conf file which worked with 
out a hitch.

SuSE's Yast informed me half-way through installing packages 
that the partition was full and I was unable to proceed without 
re partitioning and re-installing. Now I do not know wether 
Dselect can do this but it would be nice if it estimated the 
space needed to install packages and reported any problems.

RH ran fine when I got it installed but SuSE kept locking up for 
periods of 20 sec when it was executing a program. I am using 
Debian now as a friend recommended it as the most stable. It is 
a very steep learning curve but I will stick it out and some day 
I will say goodbye to win/dos for good.


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