On 10-Feb-99 Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
> I have just installed 80 MB memory ( old was 16, and I added
> 64 MB ). I am using Debian linux 2.0.2. When the machine
> boots up it does not recognize the whole memory ( I believe
> it recognizes only about 64 MB. I did man lilo.conf but this
> did not have any way of getting it to recognize the extra memory.
> The howto in some place says that mem='xxx' should be given, 
> but where? on the comman line/ or in /etc/lilo.conf? There is
> also a warning about having to give the precise number: how
> does one find this out.

The mem statement goes in /etc/lilo.conf.  Place it near the top.  However, if
you upgrade to the new 2.2 kernel it has support for much larger amounts of
memory and actually performs better on systems with there large amounts.

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