Sebastian Canagaratna spoke forth with the blessed manuscript:
> I have just installed 80 MB memory ( old was 16, and I added
> 64 MB ). I am using Debian linux 2.0.2. When the machine
> boots up it does not recognize the whole memory ( I believe
> it recognizes only about 64 MB. I did man lilo.conf but this
> did not have any way of getting it to recognize the extra memory.
> The howto in some place says that mem='xxx' should be given, 
> but where? on the comman line/ or in /etc/lilo.conf? There is
> also a warning about having to give the precise number: how
> does one find this out.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Sebastian Canagaratna
> Department of Chemistry
> Ohio Northern University
> Ada, OH 45810.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

At the boot: prompt, type linux mem=80M
OR you can add the following line to lilo.conf


Hope this helps, 

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