> I'm a Brand Spankin' Shinning Newbe with a Brand Spankin Shinning New
> Debian install using floppies, all seven of them D/Led from Debian.org,
> so now what? The man pages don't work. Nothing will install because of
> dependency errors except for joe (works great but there must be
> something better). Can't get the computer on the internet because that
> machine isn't connected and doesn't have the software, yet. Games won't
> install either. Really wanted to get it up and running to learn Linux,
> C, C++ and a few other things. Besides, I'd like to replace WinDoze95
> with something I can depend on and understand how it works and maybe
> even tweak a little. So, what do I do now?

Base system is there just to get you started. Man pages, C/C++, etc . is
all in packages which need to be installed. If you don't have the
connection to net....well, installing via floppies will work for some
things, but looking
on the bigger picture, if you can not get a CD ($10 with 3-day delivery),
you are pretty much screwed. Get the connection running, and you can
download everything. Will just take some time. 

> Actually, I've spent over a month reading How-to's and Install.txt and
> anything else I could find. Problem is, nothing seems to work, even
> though I've tried installing several times, manually configuring things,
> and asking everyone that seemed to maybe know something.

Again, base system does not come with many packages. It's base. Packages
included are just about enough to get you into shell, with CD support, so
you can install what you need. It also comes with ppp, to get you on the
net. If you don't have a CD drive and modem, get one of them.
> The install seems to boot from the hard disk ok, I get about three and a
> half screens of report between Loading Lilo ... and Login. Everything
> looks fine and seems to terminate successfully except for one itty bitty
> thing:

Thats normal dmesg stuff for a base kernel. You can get rid of most of it
by recompiling the kernel, but floppies will not do, since the file is 12M

 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 UIN 12402354                      
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   <--Little things for Linux.

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