On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 12:04:29PM -0600, Paul Miller wrote:
> Andrei Ivanov wrote:
> > 
> > Base system is there just to get you started. Man pages, C/C++, etc . is
> > all in packages which need to be installed. If you don't have the
> > connection to net....well, installing via floppies will work for some
> > things, but looking
> > on the bigger picture, if you can not get a CD ($10 with 3-day delivery),
> > you are pretty much screwed. Get the connection running, and you can
> > download everything. Will just take some time.
> > 
> I notice that the PPP package is an Optional Base package. Does it not
> come on the install floppies? This would make sense if it did so that
> people like Jeremy could install beyond their base system via FTP.

I'm pretty sure that it does. Way back before my cable modem, I downloaded
Debian overnight over a PPP link. Then again, if it isn't, all you need to 
do is download the ppp package on a disk with the same connection you got
the base system from.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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