> eferen1 hat gesagt: // eferen1 wrote:
> > I got the dial-up to finally work.  Now my question is: Where do I find some
> > DNS numbers?  (Like Netscape.home, Internic, etc).
> You should ask your internet provider for the IP-numbers of his name servers 
> and put them into /etc/resolv.conf
> Or do it the hard way: Install and configure your own nameserver with
> the debian package bind. Read the DNS-Howto for more information 
> /usr/doc/HOWTO/DNS-HOWTO.gz

Installing bind isn't hard, and it will provide a nice speedup as all
names will be cached on your local machine.  The names are
looked up faster, and there's less load on the dialup link.

The bind installation ask only a few questions.  One is
what nameserver to use when something can't be resolved locally.
Specify your ISP's nameserver IP-numbers here.
Also say that you want a slave configuration, and accept for localhost.  Your etc/resolv.conf will
be upgraded to use your own host as nameserver.
That's it!  Easy enough. :-)
Anybody not having a nameserver on a LAN will benefit from
having their own.

Helge Hafting

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