> On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Helge Hafting wrote:
> > Anybody not having a nameserver on a LAN will benefit from
> > having their own.
> What about on a standalone dial-up machine?  I mainly
> visit the same sites everyday.  Will I see any benefit
> by installing bind on my machine?

Yes.  Dialup links aren't very fast, so there's a delay
on every DNS lookup.  This is eliminated with BIND.

Basically, you'll never see the "looking up hostname xxx..."
in netscape any more, unless you go somewhere you have
never been before.  Try "nslookup some-name" several times.
Then install bind and try again.  The difference ought to
be noticeable.  Downloads will not become faster, but
you'll spend less time waiting for them to start.

Helge Hafting

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