This is what i have assembled from this list:

Debian vs RedHat:

1. Debian has a large number of packages (2400 in potato, and just under
2000 in slink). All of the package maintainers communicate, so thus the
packages work more smoothly together.

2. Debian is also a bit more stable.  I think, that the support in chat
rooms and mailing lists is far superior as well.

3. RH has the easy install method, debian has the easy upgrade of
individual packages method (i.e., apt-get install package.deb.

4. DPKG vs RPM, two features make DPKG better:
        a. DPKG has multiple levels of depends, indicating that a program
REQUIRES another program, RECOMMEDNS another program, or SUGGESTS
another program. Also, Debian subdivides packages into multiple ones to
avoid duplication and reduce download sizes when upgrades are made.
        b. With Debian and DFTP or APT, you don't have to worry about RedHat
releasing a distribution.

5. Debian being the only non-commercial distribution, which means that
the university can make copies of there own and sell them tot the
students for any price.

6. Debian releases only when the dist is ready and not a day before. 
Deb can do this because the developers aren't working on a
management-imposed release deadline.

7. Debian has an installation manual in Dutch:

Bernhard Dobbels        Student Electronic Engineer 
                        option Automation and Computersystems.
ICQ: 25783372

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