> It might help a little, if there would be some ready made 'installation
> sets' (like 'single workstation', 'internettet workstation', 'server')
> with ready assembled collection of packages? There is so huge number of
> packages available that it isn't so easy to find out in the beginning what
> to install what not. More experienced installers can easily do all
> dselections themselves, but this would help newbies, who for sure are
> nowadays installing debians.  
there are!!! i installed now a quite huge number of debian stations, but in the
end i found that the given profiles were all useless to me.... BTW is there
somewhere a system like the 'custom tags' in slackware? (i have some more
installations to do and would like to completely automatise installation...)

> I'm feeling the suppport excellent. I've got some experience of suse and
> rh before. About stability I know very little. All my distros have been
> very stable.
what i do appreciate, is that in debian the packages are more or less left as
made by their authors... i had lots of problems with redhat on my laptop since
the config files were not in the same places as in the original distribution
(combined with the configure tools that were graphical only and used more than
the 4 colors allowed on my laptop....), further i struggled a lot with printer
support in redhat...

yesterday i had to battle around with some suse distributions, and i am glad
that on my debian systems the files are where they are supposed to be, even if
a script that acts for a starting point to all installed admin scripts would
really be nice...
> The difference is quite small in this respect. Upgrade with rh is easy as
> well. On the other hand the installation method of debian isn't much more
> difficult. It just *looks* more confusing. (I mean dselect.) 
agreed, things like autorpm makes the admin as easy as with apt-get...

> > 4. DPKG vs RPM, two features make DPKG better:
> a. Is a good feature. Sometimes it is confusing, however. Sometimes it is
irritating is when packages needed, but not found are given as dependencies
without specification on which cathegory is missing....

> b. I've got very little experience on this. So I will not say anything.
that's a neat feature: with redhat you must reboot your computer with floppies
specify upgrade and let the system migrate from one major number to the
other... I hated  that.... with debian you set into the sources.list the new
distrib name next to the old in first time and let the system upgrade smoothly
without reboot...

acount at earthling net 
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