On 09-Mar-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> *- On  9 Mar, Person, Roderick wrote about "rc.local -> What is the Debian
> Eqivalent"
>> I have installed some tars and I need to set some thing to run at boot. For
>> example I need to have the followiung to line execute at boot.
>>                                     /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt --sync
>>                              /usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt&
> Why don't you install the xfstt Debian package from slink?  It will
> take care of all the necessary steps for you, including a startup
> script in /etc/init.d linked from the appropriate rc*.d directories. 
> The xfstt in hamm is broken and should not be used.

Are you saying that when I upgrade to slink, I will have a tool to assist in
writing startup scripts?  I am waiting for CheapBytes to get the CD but they
told me that as soon as they download an image, it is changed.

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