In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>*- On  9 Mar, ragOO wrote about "Re: rc.local -> What is the Debian Eqivalent"
>> Person, Roderick wrote:
>>> I have installed some tars and I need to set some thing to run at boot.
>> The Debian equivalent of rc.local is rc.boot
>As George said it is not the same.  Also the use of rc.boot is obsolete
>in favor of using links in rcS.d.  From the rc.boot man page:

Yes, but you should NOT be using ANY of them.

/etc/rc.boot is wrong, /etc/rcS.d is wrong and /sbin/ is definitely
very very wrong. Programs in thoise places will be executed way too early, 
the system has been properly initialized.

You want to create a script in /etc/init.d/ and link it into the
appropriate /etc/rc?.d directories with update-rc.d

See /etc/init.d/README and /usr/doc/sysvinit/README.runlevels.gz

Sorry for the speling mistaeks, I'm typing over a splow line
at the ISPF in San Diego ...

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

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