On 10-Mar-99 Matt Garman wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 02:00:38PM -0600, Matt Garman wrote:
>> Could anyone offer any advice or pointers as for how to custom compile
>> xfree86 as a debian package?  I want to compile using egcc and only
>> include support for the video driver that I need (trying to make it a
>> bit leaner).  Also, I want the libraries to be "thread-safe" because
>> apparently the default Debian xlibs are not compiled to be thread
>> safe.
> I'm getting somewhere with this, but, now I run into the following
> error:

Use the provided debian package source.  This should build nicely.  Get the
debget package and do debget <package>.  Then run dpkg-source foo.dsc.  Then cd
into source directory and run dpkg-buildpackage as roto or use fakeroot/sudo. 
This will make deb packages just as if you had downloaded them.

You can tweak the contined make files of course.

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