> Armin Wegner wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've got 128 megs ram. Which size should I choose for the swap partition?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Armin
> > 
> > --
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> hi,
> the usual recommendation is to have the swap at 1.5 times your memory,
> but at 128MB you shouldn't ever need that much.
> Unless you are running an app that might need loads of swap (eg mathcad)
> then 64 MB is a number that is often bandied around in answer to this
> question.
> Essentially you dont want to run out of memory, but also, you dont want
> to use up too much disk space.
> (for your info, in my 40 MB RAM machine I have 50 MB swap, for your
> perspective. I have never used more than half of it (and that was with
> about 6 netscapes, X, and an mp3 encoder), although I have never run
> staroffice and compiled my kernel at the same time etc etc)
> frankie
> -- 
> Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
> good
> for dandruff.
>       --Peter de Vries

If you have enough disk space then I believe you should use 64M.
My machine has 40M and there were times that 50M swap seems to be too less. I 
don't know if that was netscape or the fact that I had many xterms and other 
clients running under X.
I posted about it to the list and got various answers, ranging from people 
saying that they are doing things similar to what I do but still need 
considerably less swap to people that claimed that they need a large swap area.
Although currently free shows that 50M swap area is plenty, I am still not 
convinced that debian should not recommend setting a large swap area (128M ?) 
for people who can spare that much disk area.

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