On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 07:02:54PM -0000, Pollywog wrote:
> On 16-Mar-99 Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > 
> > I am looking for somebody selling Debian CD sets containing beside the 
> > official images the non-free (the part which is freely redirstributable) and
> > especially nonUS. Cheapbytes announced the nonfree section, but they do not 
> > ship nonUS.
> try www.linuxmall.com
> www.linuxcentral.com

Of course, no US-based vendor is going to ship non-US to Rainer who's
domain is .de; that's the whole point of non-US.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD              [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

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