Dear Friends:

I'm having a variety of problems with Netscape Communicator &
Debian. In my Hamm installation I tried installing Netscape both with
& without the installer .deb package. In both cases I experienced very
flaky outgoing mail performance using as my
mailserver. The failure behavior was that once I'd click 'send' the
window would hang there and Netscape would start devouring memory as
fast as it could. The only solution was to kill the process before it
gobbled *all* the memory. This mail function worked just fine under my
previous slackware installation so I'm sure the internal Netscape
settings were OK.

I've upgraded to slink & installed the new communicator .debs. It
still seems flaky. Is anyone else having problems? I did see on email
on the list that seemed to indicate Communicator was having some

Finally, is there any intention to create a communicator package with
the maximum security? Or are export/copyright issues too tedious to
deal with? Or did i just miss the package?

Thanks for any help & suggestions,


judith bush
Judith E. Bush                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P O Box 7559                                       AOL IM judielaine
Philadelphia PA 19101

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