On Mon, 22 Mar 1999 16:19:12 -0500 (EST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Dear Friends:
>I'm having a variety of problems with Netscape Communicator &
>Debian. In my Hamm installation I tried installing Netscape both with
>& without the installer .deb package. In both cases I experienced very
>flaky outgoing mail performance using mail.earthlink.com as my
>mailserver. The failure behavior was that once I'd click 'send' the
>window would hang there and Netscape would start devouring memory as
>fast as it could. The only solution was to kill the process before it
>gobbled *all* the memory. This mail function worked just fine under my
>previous slackware installation so I'm sure the internal Netscape
>settings were OK.
>I've upgraded to slink & installed the new communicator .debs. It
>still seems flaky. Is anyone else having problems? I did see on email
>on the list that seemed to indicate Communicator was having some
>Finally, is there any intention to create a communicator package with
>the maximum security? Or are export/copyright issues too tedious to
>deal with? Or did i just miss the package?
>Thanks for any help & suggestions,
>judith bush
Sorry, I can't help you with your Linux problem...
But fortify may be just the ticket for your security enhancement.
Chuck Lackey
Macon, Ga.

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