I don't know how may packages there are. I have come over a few already.
I do read documentation, and often I HAVE seen mentioned putting stuff in
rc.local which has confused me.

I do not want people to stop reading and thinking. But there are people outt
here that would enjoy using Linux but have to use their time to think and
read other stuff than Linux howto's. We do want people to stop having to fiddle
with stuff that is, as you said, more suited for sys admins, right?

It takes only one night to read the documentation. That might be true. But to
understand it takes much more than a night, especially if you come from and
Windows environment.  

I do not hate Windows, I do not love Linux. I just prefer an OS that runs like
Linux over one that runs like Windows. We will see more users like me. Up until
now most users of Linux has been very well skilled in computer use. My girl
friend has looked at my Linux installation and she wants it too. She will go
out and buy Redhat. And as she says: "Then I do not have to read all that stuff,
at least not mailing lists and howto's just to install a driver" These are the
"new" Linux users. Like it or not. 

On 28-Mar-99 Marek Habersack wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:
>> One thing is that it will run, another is: Will it install? What makes it
>> even "worse" is that the programs I have wanted to run install fine, it is
>> just having them load at boot that is the problem. You shoudn't need a
>> system admin (unless a software based "system manager" for Linux was
>> developed) to accomplish this.
> Hmm... have you taken a look at linuxconf? It might be what you need. I
> didn't
> use it personally, so I cannot comment on it, but the word is it does the job
> for RH and Debian as well.
>> If we want Linux to be wide spread simple/basic tasks like these should be
>> easy to do for the a little above average computer user, or at least
>> standarized for Linux as a whole.
> But they are REALLY easy! It takes just one night for an average user to READ
> the documentation... We surely don't want people to stop thinkink, do we?
>> >> I am more confused than ever :)
>> > And I'm confused with the odd mixture of CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT,
>> > WINSTART.BAT, registry, WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, somethingelse.ini of M$
>> > Windows...
>> I am also at times, but at least it is manageable without being a "system
>> admin" ;)
> yeah... until it suddenly loses all your installed fonts, or hangs when you
> start the Winblows Explorer and you scratch your head "I didn't change
> anything here within last two weeks, yesternight it worked... Why doesn;t it
> work anymore?? Ahh, the hell!, I'll reinstall it..." and believe me, I once
> installed Win95 on one machine 15 times in row... until it worked... :)))
> I'd rather spare one night to read all the available docs dealing with Debian
> startup than waste one day watching the splash screens during winblows
> install
> saying how much fun computing will be with the latest Micro$oft Crapware...
> marek

Christian Dysthe
Date: 28-Mar-99
Time: 16:01:01
UIN: 33573035
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