On 07-Apr-99 Richard Harran wrote:
> Do you mean that you are trying to start a second X session while the
> first is still running, or are you having difficulty starting for a
> second time having exited the first session?
> If it is the first (and you get an error like:
>       server is already active for display :0, or something)
> you can fix it with
>       startx -- :1
> to start the second X server on display 1.  This will probably associate
> it with <ctrl><alt><F8>.
> If it is the second, I think you have a problem (X not exiting
> properly?) 'cos I don't think that should happen.

I get those annoying MAGIC COOKIE warnings when I su from a regular user and
this even happens when I use vim after 'su'.  I am still able to edit stuff,
and the only problem is when I need to run some X program as superuser.
I saw somewhere how to deal with this Xauth stuff, but I don't remember where.


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