Pollywog wrote:
> I get those annoying MAGIC COOKIE warnings when I su from a regular user and
> this even happens when I use vim after 'su'.  I am still able to edit stuff,
> and the only problem is when I need to run some X program as superuser.
> I saw somewhere how to deal with this Xauth stuff, but I don't remember where.
> --
> Andrew
> [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
> --
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I am also having the same trouble. I didn't see a reply to Andrew's
question, so I wanted to add that I am also interested in solving this
one. I never encountered this problem when I was using other (lesser)
distributions. Please help if you know the answer. There are some tools
like gnome-apt that I would like to use without having to end my
x-session and start a new one as root.
Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

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