Hello all --

I have a dual processor Pentium II system, and I recently decided to 
switch to the new version of SMP (the old version had been giving me
problems).  That meant moving to the new kernel.  

To use the new kernel within the framework of the stable distribution,
I had to upgrade certain specific packages to the unstable, primarily
netbase and sysutils.  Netbase and sysutils depended on libc6 and 
libncurses4, and libc6 depended on apt.  

We also included libc6-dev, because we didn't think that we could 
compile the kernel without it. Finally, we got the kernel source for 
2.2.1 in order to be able to compile the kernel.  

That all went okay.  The problem is that I want to be able to use g77.
g77 depends on g++, which depends on libstdc++2.9-dev.  Specifically,
if I try to add g77 in dselect, the dependency list includes 
libstdc++2.9-dev, and the specific dependency list for it reads as follows:

g++ depends on libstdc++2.9-dev (>= 2.91.60)
libstdc++2.9-dev suggests stl-manual
libc6-dev conflicts with libstdc++2.9-dev
libstdc++2.9-dev depends on libc6-dev

which indicates that libstdc++2.9-dev both conflicts with and depends
on libc6-dev -- I have no clue how to solve that.  Does anyone have
any words of wisdom to offer on the subject? 

Maria Rightley

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