I have successfully built Linux 2.2.5 on a Debian 2.1 system, and so far
it appears the various utils work without updating to unstable. I've had
colleagues who have been running the 2.1/2.2 kernels under Slink give the
same reports. Debian 2.0 on the other hand probably has some compatability
problems with 2.2.x.

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Maria Lynn Jason Rightley wrote:

> Hello all --
> I have a dual processor Pentium II system, and I recently decided to 
> switch to the new version of SMP (the old version had been giving me
> problems).  That meant moving to the new kernel.  
> To use the new kernel within the framework of the stable distribution,
> I had to upgrade certain specific packages to the unstable, primarily
> netbase and sysutils.  Netbase and sysutils depended on libc6 and 
> libncurses4, and libc6 depended on apt.  
> We also included libc6-dev, because we didn't think that we could 
> compile the kernel without it. Finally, we got the kernel source for 
> 2.2.1 in order to be able to compile the kernel.  
> That all went okay.  The problem is that I want to be able to use g77.
> g77 depends on g++, which depends on libstdc++2.9-dev.  Specifically,
> if I try to add g77 in dselect, the dependency list includes 
> libstdc++2.9-dev, and the specific dependency list for it reads as follows:
> g++ depends on libstdc++2.9-dev (>= 2.91.60)
> libstdc++2.9-dev suggests stl-manual
> libc6-dev conflicts with libstdc++2.9-dev
> libstdc++2.9-dev depends on libc6-dev
> which indicates that libstdc++2.9-dev both conflicts with and depends
> on libc6-dev -- I have no clue how to solve that.  Does anyone have
> any words of wisdom to offer on the subject? 
> Maria Rightley
> -- 
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