To whom may be able to assist me,

I am new to Unix and have just downloaded the Debian version of Linux.  The
disks work on my desktop PII 350, but I am having trouble on my laptop (i386
20MHz with 8MB of RAM).  The boot floppy starts, loads the kernel, but right
after it recognizes my 60MB hard drive the computer restarts with one line
of text I can't read before the screen changes.  I've tried loading from
both the floppy and the dos partition install.  I've even used the low
memory boot disk because there is only 2MB standard RAM and the other 6 are
in an expansion chip, if that makes a difference (it hasn't so far).  Please
let me know if there's any parameters I need.  The exact laptop is a Tandy
3820HD.  Thank you very much, any assistance is appreciated.

The World Emperor

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