I've now tried the normal rescue disk, the tecra boot disk, the low mem
bootdisk, and some tomsrtbt disk.  this last one was the most successful,
allowing me to load up 'something' enough to make the boot disk(which works
in other computers), but which still crashes my laptop.  They all seem to
fail during a probe for either IDE or SCSI hardware, I can't really tell.
Is there a way to bypass some of the hardware testing which seems to restart
my computer?

The World Emperor

>Well, I was already booting from floppies, and still the computer
>shortly after recognizing the hard drive.  I'm just now trying to
>Debian, so how do I make sure it's Linux bootable?  The hard drive
>formatted for DOS and generally empty.  Thanks for helping me,

Well, i have an old laptop too, which boots up from the rescue disk.
if i understand correctly, then you have only one partition on your
hard disk, namely a DOS one, and you're using the boot floppy that
you made for your desktop PC. if this is the case, i would try the

make the rescure disk from resc1440tecra, which is the recommended
rescue for laptops. This is different then using the regular boot
disk made for a PC with linux installed, since in the latter case,
the kernel will try to load the root file system from the hard disk,
in your case it does not exists.

Now if you already tried it and still it doesnt work, there is a nice
Laptop-HOWTO in www.snafu.de/~wehe/Laptop-HOWTO.html where you can
see if you're hardware was checked for linux compatability.


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