As a relatively veteran user of other distributions (Redhat mainly, but also
many of the single-floppy ones), I feel astoundingly stupid for presenting this
problem, but here goes. Just installed Debian 2.1 base, and everything is
working fine except for one glaring exception. The module for NIC (ne2000)
loads successfully, all the network routes are configured correctly, and yet
it's unable to ping anyone except itself. What makes this a real hair-puller:
This box works perfectly when booted with the latest LOAF floppy. Same kernel
(2.0.36), identical routing information, with the exception that it works
(except for DNS lookups).

Any ideas? I'm already enjoying the cleaner feel of Debian over Redhat, and
would like to eventually switch over to it entirely if I can resolve this
little issue. (apt-get was one of the things that got me interested initially.)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | ]   ICQ #859-0985
  this is my stop      excuse me...            if i'm wrong please correct
  got to get off       excuse me...            you're standing on my neck...
  i might go pop       i've got to be direct   la LA la la...

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