Can't help you much, but some of the smaller questions I can answer.

On 18 Apr 99, at 14:34,  Hans van den Boogert 
 wrote about Looking for trouble.:

[snipped to conserve bandwidth]
> Questions:
> 1) What is an easy way to go to the previous directory, e.g. I am in
> /usr/bin and want to go to /usr?

try cd ..
This will take you to the parent directory of any directory you're in.
Another handy shortcut along these lines is
cd -
this will take you to the most recent directory you were in. For 
example - you're in /etc and you issue a cd /usr/src
you're now in /usr/src; if you issue a cd - you will end up in /etc, 
if you then issue another cd - you will be back in /usr/src

> 2) With the base system installed I can't open man pages, that is, when
[snipped to conserve bandwidth]
> installed? How to open/read .gz files.

you need to get the man page package installed - catch22 :) I'm not 
sure if you have gzip, gunzip installed at this point or not. if so 
you can issue a gunzip <name.gz> to unzip the file, then look at the 
file, then followed by a gzip <name> to zip it up again (don't forget 
this last step).

> 3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
> run, or the system says "command not found." Example:
[snipped to conserve bandwidth]
> Saved as "telltime," then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime.
> With cat I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is
> this normal? As said, when executing "telltime" the system returns
yes - it is normal
> "command not found." I know that you have to watch the path, but
try - while in directory with script, issuing ./telltime
I'm not sure what your current path is. Issue an echo $PATH to find 
> even when I put this script in / or /bin it still won't run, while
> installed commands like "date" do run from almost every directory.
> What do I do wrong? 

try, while in the directory with the script, issuing ./telltime

> 4) Any hints to where to find some in dept Debian specific FAQs? I know
> there is a lot around, and believe me I've been reading, but most
> tutorials/FAQs assume that the system is running smoothly and hardly deal
> with problem solving.

That's because no-one ever has any problems to solve <VBG>

It appears that most of the Debian specific stuff is still in the 
process of being written, and they probably want to get all the base 
documentation down first.

> Thanks for the help.
what little it was - you're welcome.

   Jan M.        -  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Thought for the day:
    Only someone who understands something absolutely
    can explain it so no one else can understand it.
           -- Rudnicki's Nobel Prize Principle

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