"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:

> Bob Hilliard wrote:
>   >"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:
>   >
>   >> To go to the directory you were in last:
>   >> cd ~-
>   >
>   >     What is the purpose of the tilde in this command?  In bash and
>   >sh, at least, `cd -' is what I was taught, and it works fine.  Do some
>   >other shells require `cd ~-'?
> That is the Korn shell convention; I did not know that bash supported the
> simpler form.

Bash also supports the ~- (and ~+) forms.  They are shell expansions,
whereas 'cd -' is a shortcut for the cd program itself.  Look up
"Tilde Expansion" in the bash (or ksh) man page for details.
Carl Johnson            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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