On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, joost witteveen wrote:

> Je 1999/04/27(2)/ 9:04, H C Pumphrey montris sian geniecon skribante:
  [Snip - how to bludgeon yucky DTC3131 SCSI cards to work with Linux]  
> Just tell mi where I can send that check for GBP 15 that you've just won!

I'll just hold it on account -- I will doubtless have some GBP15 questions
of my own in the future [1]. Really, I'm glad to be of help, I've had
enough help from this list in the past. 

> It works all perfectly, even better than what you describe: I can scan
> multiple images (well, I've scanned 3 now, but I assume it will work
> indefinately).

[whereas my AT12 does one perfect scan and then becomes useless]  

> All that I do differently is that I've got linux 2.2.3 here.  For the
> rest, I started my kernel with the same boot prompt as you described,
> card got recognised, same for scanner, and sane just works. If I can
> help you by giving any more information, I'll be glad to do so! 

Both SANE and the kernel have had updates since I last had a go at the
scanner -- I don't know if it is a SANE backend problem or a SCSI card
driver problem. I build new kernels and SANE versions every so often and
it has gone from no response (2.0.34+SANE0.78) to total lockup (2.2.1 with
SANE0.78) to almost works (2.2.1+SANE1.00+interim artec backend), so I
have great hopes that it will work properly next time I try! 

All the best


[1] Like, why do the PCMCIA cards (modem and network card) on my laptop
detect perfectly on boot, but are detected as "anonymous memory" if you
plug them in after booting?  I thought the whole point was that they could
be hot swapped. Not a high-priority worry as I have exactly 2 slots and
exactly 2 cards, but I'm curious. I just installed the pcmcia-core and
pcmcia modules packages and did no tweaking so I probably just havn't RTFM
enough yet. 

Hugh C. Pumphrey, Dept. of -    | Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780
Meteorology, Univ. of Edinburgh | Replace 0131 with +44-131 if outside U.K

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