as i said i had the same problems with slink. as i replied privately to
roddie, this time problem i had in slink coincided with the breaking of my
linker. i really don't know WHAT caused it, but every time i used apt to try
to upgrade to potato it broke my linker and my time was messed up. in the
end i gave up and installed a potato base, and both broke again in the same
exact manner when i upgraded my linker with apt. i concluded that if i start
with potato and don't upgrade anything having to do with ldso or the linker
in any way, it stops that problem. still i can't figure out what a linker
would have to do with time! perhaps its something in libc6 that was clashing
with the potato packages. no dependency problems were reported and
everything went smoothly but it broke on me over and over.... in the end i
gave up on slink. potato is working great for me, even with libc6.1. in fact
it seems more stable than my slink was. maybe i'm just lucky? or maybe there
was a faulty .deb package at the time i was using apt to try to upgrade? its
an interesting dilemma for sure...and stranger still, the breaking of my
slink system seemed to be caused by apt.. if i didnt use apt to install
anything, it was fine. <shrug> anyone else with an odd time problem, or who
has experienced it, please give input. thanks!

----- Original Message -----
From: Damir J. Naden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 1999 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: Time Keeps A changin'

> Hi roddie; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
> > I've done all that. I'm running 2.2.5 kernel, so that rules out the
> > problem. But, this did happen to me before, maybe if I reinstall the
> > kernel it will fix it. Today, the time was off by 23 hours? Even the
> > difference isn't consistent from day to day.
> >
> > The funny thing is I did set date and while I was working it drifted
> > 24 hours. I had to do a ldconfig, maybe that did something. HMMM?
> >
> > let you know if I figure this one out!
> >
> > Rod....
> Well, I thought it was just my computer...I'm running slink, but my times
> often off- even if I do a netdate, and adjust the hwclock. Since I haven't
> noticed this before I installed enightenment_0.15.4 (w/o gnome!), I
thought it
> was E or some lib of it doing it, but I have since purged all of the E
> using only windowmaker, and the clock is still off. I'm using pretty much
> slink system, with libc6 and _not_ libc6.1, and 2.0.36 kernel.
> Hope this helps some of you pinpoint the problem,
> damir
> --
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