
On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 04:56:30PM -0500, André Bell wrote:
> Is there a good shell for gunzip so I don't have to remember all the
> operators?
> I ask because I must be doing something wrong.  When I ungzip <file>.gz the
> system converts my .gz file to one file with no extension instead of
> unzipping the file and all of its contents.
> I know there are multiple files in the gzips that I look at because I can
> view all of the compressed files when I view the contents of the gzip file
> on my pc, just not with gzip on linux :(
> If you knoww why this happens and know what I need to do to work around it
> please let me know.

If they aren't .tar.gz/.tgz's, they might be .zip files (especially
since you can view them in Windows. In that case, use unzip (package

HTH, Robert

Robert Vollmert                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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