But if you're not ready for potato then NIS will provide a ready-made solution. 
pretty straightforward. I'd be glad to offer assistance. As for a comparison, 
they're different. NIS has been around a long time, LDAP is newer.

Ben Collins wrote:

> On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 07:59:56PM -0500, Rob Browning wrote:
> >
> > We've got a number of machines here that we need to switch to
> > centralized account maintenance, and I was trying to figure out what
> > the best solution would be.  It looks like the two main solutions
> > would be NIS or ldap (via PAM), but I'm having a hard time finding out
> > enough about the ldap solution to do a good comparison.  Is there a
> > good HOWTO or similar somewhere?  Is there some other solution I've
> > overlooked.  (I thought about just using a cron job and a sync script
> > to keep all the passwd/group files in sync, but that requires you to
> > be able to atomically update the files, and I couldn't see a good way
> > to do that...perhaps some trick with chpasswd/add/deluser...
> Our good admin is already in the midst of setting up an LDAP based
> account system. For info on what is being used for this please see
> www.openldap.com and www.padl.com for the OpenLDAP and
> nss_ldap/pam_ldap (all three of which are packaged in potato) programs.
> --
> -----    -- - -------- --------- ----  -------  -----  - - ---   --------
> Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        Debian GNU/Linux
> OpenLDAP Dev - [EMAIL PROTECTED]     The Choice of the GNU Generation
> ------ -- ----- - - -------   ------- -- ---- - -------- - --- ---- -  --
> --
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Jens B. Jorgensen

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