> I have a few questions regarding VIM that have been nagging at me for a
> while, and I'm hoping someone can help me out...
> 1) For some reason vim inists on showing file stats at the bottom of the
> screen whenever I edit a file. It isn't too bad normally, but when I
> invoked from mutt it waits for me to press a key. Very annoying. How do I
> get rid of that behaviour?

Never seen this behaviour.

> 2) How do I make use the dark background syntax settings? I've set
> background to dark, but it makes no difference - it still inists on using
> such groovy combinations as dark blue on black. In the past I have edited
> /usr/syntax/vim directly, commenting out the dark settings, and changing
> the colours in the light scheme more to my liking. However, it tends to get
> hosed every time I upgrade vim, which is a PITA. How do I set up vim to use
> my personal colour settings? (FWIW I think the doc system on vim is awful -
> the one thing I really don't like about it)

Make a ~ entry for vim rather than using the global settings.

> 3) In the long running debian coding standards debate on devel, it was
> mentioned that tabs shouldn't be used to indent, but spaces instead. How do
> I set up vim to insert n amount of spaces when I press the TAB key? Or is
> there some other key that is used for that purpose?

I disagree w/ using spaces, tabs are nice and allow each user to set their own
tab space (i like 4, you like 3 so we each set our tabset appropriately and
never have to edit the code)

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