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On Sat, 22 May 1999 16:48:47 -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:

>Unix-esque operating systems are _not_ designed for casual use.

    I understand that.

>The more you understand about the way computers work, the more efficently you
>will be able to do things.

    I know that as well.  Must be why I've been a SysAdmin of one standing or
another in various ISPs for the past 3+ years now.

>I've recently started doing a little bit of programming, and its not really
>_that_ difficult. I'd think that you would want to learn about something that
>can save you time. That's the entire spirit of the open source movement; give
>you very flexible programs and not restrict you to a single
>program/platform/operating system/CPU.

    Which is why I code in perl.  I am a scripter.  I can whip together a
perl script to get stuff done.  I'm well adept at the "glue" that keeps a
system together.  Programming, however, programming on the scale of an editor
or an MUA, is beyond me.  I accept that limitation.

    So I know how Unix works.  I also know, however, from my perl experience,
that there should *always* be "more than one way to do it."  In this case,
there is not.  As I outlined in my private mail to you Unix people insist
all mail coming into a physical account are the same virtual account.  There
is no real way to seperate them out easily without a conglomaration of
filters, scripts and hacks.  Hacks are good, I'll grant that, but when they
are a *requirement* to get something that should be available as a standard
*option* that many people want and need, maybe it is time someone took it
themselves to take the hacks and make them easier, standard and installable.

- -- 
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------

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