
there is one email client that will do most of what Outlook Express does.
XFmail. Not used alone though, but together with exim and fetchmail it works
great for me. I have two accounts dealt with fine using XFmail. Using filters,
and the option to set a custom "From" for every folder it is very easy to
run several accounts from this email client. Using XFmail's built in POP3 and
smtp is not a good idea since it won't send and receive in the background. But
letting exim do the mail deliveries it is a fast reliable solution.

The sad thing is that XFmail doesn't seem to be developed anymore. So if a coder
would take XFmail and bring it forward we WOULD have a decent X email client. 

On 22-May-99 Jim B wrote:
> Hi all.  Is there a good POP3 and/or IMAP4 client (console or GUI, doesn't
> matter) that supports multiple accounts with easy switching between them...
> and that can filter based on the "account" concept rather than just on
> headers?
> If I'm not making sense, I'm looking for something for Linux that can do
> what MS Outlook Express can do.  Here's an example:
> One account is username "joe" and another account is username "tom."
> Someone sends to joe and the mail is filtered into his mailbox... meanwhile,
> tom's mail is filtered into his mailbox.  BUT, if someone BCCs joe, his
> username will not appear in the headers... therefore, header-based filtering
> will be useless.  The client needs to be able to filter the mail into the
> "joe" mailbox despite the fact that his address is not in the headers.  The
> idea is simple, it just needs to know "From what account did I download this
> message?" in order to be able to direct it appropriately, despite what may
> be in the headers of the message.
> Anyone know of such a client?  Pine's "roles" don't cut it as a single login
> cannot access multiple e-mail accounts.  Also, procmail doesn't come into
> the picture because the filtering rules must be client-based so that all
> these mail accounts can be accessed from a single terminal login session,
> rather than by logging out and then back into another session.
> Thanks!!!
> -- 
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Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 25-May-99
Time: 17:48:45
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

                                  "Clones are people two"

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