I have been using Western Digital drives with Linux for a long time. None
of them exhibits any sort of problem. One is a 3.1GB drive I've had for 3
years. Another is a 4GB drive I've had for 2, and a 10.1GB drive I bought
last fall. I doubt its Linux causing the problems... Actually, I've never
had trouble with WD drives on any machine -- Seagate and Quantum are the
ones which have taken a crap on me.

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Douglas Federman wrote:

> I have experienced the death of 2 new WD Caviar drives after installing and 
> running Debian Linux.  Each drive started with a clicking noise, several 
> weeks later read errors appeared and now completely dead.  WD replaced the 
> first drive without question.  Before I replace the second, could Linux be 
> causing this?  The machine is a Gateway P-II 350.
> -- 
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