Hello, I'm new to the list =)
I just installed debian 2.1 slink for the first time; dselect doesn't seem
to be working. Possible explanations: I didn't read the readme on the 4 CDs
I have, where it says
"If you wish to use the multicd installation method, as is the default for
CD-based installs, you should be careful to insert the LAST BINARY CD of
your set when you start"
I have the 4-cd set but I put in CD 1. Did I break something in doing so?
Can I fix it?
Also, when dselect gets the files from the CDs, it finishes off by saying
"error code 1". What does that mean? Dselect also complains that it cannot
open the file, /var/lib/dpkg/methods/multicd/available
The file is not there, but the directory is (I checked). 
Many thanks for any help.
Erik Sandblom


Homer Simpson on the Meaning of Life:
It's all just a bunch of stuff that happens.

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